kick ass 2 aaron johnson dave lizewski 2

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is one of the top young actors in Hollywood today. The 24-year-old British actor began his career at the age of six. He has been cast in movies such as “Savages, “Nowhere Boy” and “The Illusionist.” He is in this summer’s blockbuster, “Godzilla,” and will be in the upcoming Avengers movie, “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” The movies that have put Taylor-Johnson’s career in full throttle though are “Kick-Ass” and “Kick-Ass 2.” He plays a superhero in the films going around and you guessed it, kicking ass. To play in this role though, Taylor-Johnson had to look the part of a superhero. Superheroes are strong and muscular, giving them that aura of invincibility. To do that, he underwent a physical transformation and went from scrawny to brawny.

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kick ass 2 aaron johnson dave lizewski

Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Kick-Ass Workout

Taylor-Johnson’s training regimen, courtesy of Men’s Fitness, lasted 8 weeks and consisted of several different elements. Before each workout he performed a dynamic warm-up routine to heat up his muscles for the shock they were about to feel. His program which was five days per week included two strength training days, and one conditioning, cardio and bodyweight training day.

To play “Kick-Ass,” he needed plenty of strength, power, flexibility and endurance. The rep schemes varied each training day depending on what the exercises were. For example, during strength training, Taylor-Johnson performed compound exercises for 4-6 reps in order to increase strength and gain bulk. During conditioning and bodyweight training, supersets were the basis of his session, exhausting his aerobic and anaerobic systems and giving him a lean, muscular physique.


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Perform the following warm-up routine before each workout:

Leg Swing – 2 sets of 20 reps each side
Walking Knee to Chest Tuck – 2 sets of 20 reps each side
Bodyweight Reverse Lunge – 2 sets of 10 reps each side
Bodyweight Squat – 2 sets of 15 reps
Monday and Thursday – Strength

Rack pull – 6 sets of 4-6 reps
Barbell Push Press
 – 6 sets of 4-6 reps
Zercher Squat – 6 sets of 4-6 reps
Chin-Up – 6 sets of 4-6 reps

Rest for two minutes following each set.

Tuesday – Conditioning

Perform the first superset for four rounds, resting for the allotted time after each round. After you have completed four rounds of the first superset, move on to the next one.

Superset 1

Hang Clean – 10-12 reps
Burpee – 15 reps
Rest – 30 seconds

Superset 2

Sprawl to Pull-up – 20 reps
Renegade row – 10 reps each side
Rest – 40 seconds

Superset 3 

Medicine Ball Slam – 20 reps

Russian Twist – 10 reps each side
Rest – 45 seconds

Superset 4

Hammer and Tire Smash – 20 reps

Battle Ropes – 60 seconds
Rest – 60 seconds

Day 3 – Cardio

Perform 20 minutes of steady-state cardio or interval training. 

Day 5 – Bodyweight

Perform the first superset for four rounds, resting for the allotted time after each round. After you have completed four rounds of the first superset, move on to the next one.

kick ass 2 aaron johnson dave lizewski

Superset 1

Pull-up – 6-8 reps
Dragon Flag – 5 reps
Rest – 60 seconds

Superset 2

Wide-Grip Press-up – 20 reps
Hanging Leg Raise – 60 seconds
Rest – 60 seconds

Superset 3 

Inverted Row – 15 reps
Mountain Climber – 60 seconds
Rest – 60 seconds

Superset 4

Dip – 12 reps
Alligator Walk – 8 reps each side
Rest – 60 seconds

Taylor-Johnson’s success and physical prowess in the “Kick-Ass” films have thrust him into huge roles in upcoming action and superhero films. If you want to work out like a superhero, get in the gym. Taylor-Johnson’s “Kick-Ass” routine will turn you into a lean, mean, fighting machine.

0 thoughts on “Aaron Johnson: Kick Ass Workout [Dave Lizewski]”
  1. I’ve always heard you should allow a day of rest between workouts to grow muscles, so my question is, Will strength training one day, then conditioning or bodyweight training affect your muscle growth? Also, I was wondering if there is an alternative to the hammer tire smash and battle ropes superset? Thank you!

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